Tryitfirst SuperCash is the brand new way of getting instant discounts on every purchase. 

You can earn Supercash, 100% on your first purchase, when your friends signup, your friend makes a purchase, you make a purchase, write a product review, write a testimonial, share facebook page, our facebook page like, post a testimonial tweet about us.  

Tryitfirst SuperCash can give you instant discounts on every purchase.

More SuperCash, more discount.

Apart from this, we have a redeem section where you can redeem all the SuperCash for various products and that too FREE.  You just need to pay Rs.49 towards the shipping charges.

You can spend the Tryitfirst SuperCash for Instant discounts and you can also redeem all your SuperCash  from Redeem section, with paying a single paise for the product. 

Yes, absolutely you can spend the Tryitfirst SuperCash for getting instant discount on your first purchase.

Its very simple.

Share your unique link with your friends and family. Once they signup, you get 50 SuperCash credited to your SuperCash account. 

And thats not it, for every purchase your friend makes you get additional 50 SuperCash credited.

In the Tryitfirst SuperCash -> Share & Save -> "Share you unique link".

 Unique Referral Llink

Tryitfirst SuperCash, is simple Customer Rewards Program, where the customer can earn and redeem SuperCash for instant discounts.

One example 

Received :

  • 200 SuperCash signup received 
  • 100 SuperCash additional for 2 Friends Sign up with Tryitfirst.
  • 100 SuperCash by sharing Tryitfirst with Facebook and Twitter.

Spend :

  • 400 SuperCash SuperCash he spend to get additional Discount.

More Unique Link shares you will get more SuperCash to spend for Instant Discounts

When buying using Try and Buy, we have restricted to redeem only 200 SuperCash on Order, if any "Other Mobile Accessories" are there in cart.

But at Purchase if you buy a Wireless, you are eligible to redeem 600 points on Purchase and our executive will apply it before making the purchase.

Redemeption is simple. 

  1. 600 SuperCash on Wireless Earphones, Headphones, Earpods, SmartBands, Smart Watches, Amazon Devices
  2. 400 SuperCash on Wired Earphons and Headphones
  3. 200 SuperCash on other accessories.


  • For Try and Buy, redeem SuperCash is limited to Lowest Redemption Category if multiple categories of products are added to Cart. 
  • But you can redeem the maximum on the category of Purchase.

eg., if a customer adds a Wireless earaphone, wired earphone and a USB cabe, based on the Purchased product, he /she can redeem upto 600 SuperCash. 


  • For Pay and Buy, redeem SuperCash is maximum Redemption Category if multiple categories of products are added to Cart. 

eg., if a customer adds Wireless earphone, wired earphone and USB cable, he /she can redeem 600 SuperCash for the Purchase.



There is no limit on how much Tryitfirst SuperCash you can hold.

100% SuperCash.

If you are making a purchase from Redeem Category, irrespective of the SuperCash amount, you can redeem it fully.

If you are using it for purchase, you can redeem a maximum of 300 SuperCash for a purchase on Smartphones / Tablet PCs / Laptops.

We have created a special Category for our customers, so that they can redeem 100% SuperCash for buying.